Friday, August 16, 2013

Classroom Tips and Tricks

Today is the LAST day of Teacher Week '13 and I'm going to share a few of my classroom tips and tricks!

1.  Tattle Spray - My kids LOVE it!  When tattling becomes an issue, I just spray myself with a little tattle spray! It ONLY works on teachers! Then... when the kids tattle I CAN'T hear them!  I just hear a mumble-jumble of words!  This magic bottle really works magic! I put it on Google docs so you can download your own here.

 2. Green Lipstick - I have been using this little tube of green lipstick for the last 8 years! My students love it! It is something silly that they will always remember!  This  lipstick is special because once you put it on it turns BRIGHT RED!! If you are kissed with the green lipstick it will stay on your cheek for TWO.WHOLE.WEEKS!  You are only kissed with the green lipstick if you are really, really bad!  Of course, I would never really use the green lipstick... but my kids really get a kick out of hearing about it.  Some of the older students who have come back to visit still talk about my green lipstick! I bought mine on Amazon. Just search "l'paige green aloe vera lipstick." It actually really does turn red when applied!  I always put a little on my hand and tell the kids I have to wash it off really fast.

3. Have your kids highlight their names on their papers.  You will NEVER have a missing name again!  I was going to make a sign that said "highlight your name" but I never had to!  My students LOVE using the highlighters.  I just keep a jar of highlighters on the front table beside my trays!

4. Use Remind 101!  It is a life savor!  Being able to send a text reminder is super fast and easy!  If you have never used this before you should definitely give it a try.

5. Have Dance Breaks!!! Kids LOVE to dance and they really love it when you dance and sing with them!

I have more to share... but I'm going to stick with five for now!  We went back to school this week and the bed is calling my name!!!


  1. I am LOVING the name of your blog. So glad I found you and am excited to be following now. I also really like the idea of tattle spray, I've never seen it but it seems like such a good idea!

    The Imaginary Classroom
