Saturday, September 27, 2014

Five for Friday {On Saturday, of course!}

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for a little Five for Friday FUN!!!

1. These are a few of my new favorites...
*If you haven't tried Trader Joe's Roasted Coconut chips, you should get some! Right. Now. 
*Chocolate Covered Pomegranate Seeds... Need I say more?
*Honeycrisp Apples = DELICIOUSNESS
Nothing says FALL like Honeycrisp!

2. Fall scented candles!!! LOVE. These are my favorite...

3. So we moved into a new house about a month ago.  The back yard was and still is a MESS.'s on its way up!  My father in law and husband cut down three large trees.  Now...It is a stump playground!  My girls are having a blast!  And, yes... They are always in their pajamas!

4.  I bought this thing at Pier 1 yesterday.  I'm not really sure what you call it.  Maybe a couch table..ha.  Anyhow, it's been great for blogging and being comfortable.  Especially because I don't have an office in this house just yet!

5. We have been all about Apples and Johnny Appleseed this week.  We have seriously had so much fun!!

You can read more about my apple week of fun HERE.

Have a great weekend!