Sunday, September 7, 2014

Five For Friday {On Sunday}

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for a little Five for Friday... On Sunday.  That's how I roll these days!

1.  I blinked and we started preschool! It was TRAUMATIC in the Griffith household!! My little Sophie was scared!!!  She hasn't been to daycare or even had a sitter other than grandparents. So... this was a really scary time for her.... AND all of us!  I knew she would do fine but it was still hard walking out the door with her screaming.  I mean REALLY hard!  I definitely have a little more compassion for the parents of the students in my class!

The first day was rough!  The second day was so much better!  AND.. Sophie just LOVES her teachers. I love them too.  YES, they are AMAZING!!!

2.  I'm all about drinks these days!  Thanks to Babbling Abby at The Inspired Apple I have this delicious concoction....

And, If you haven't tried out a Nutribullet you should definitely give it a try.  I have had my for about a year and it still works great!  I usually fill it half way with spinach, add a little frozen fruit, and wallah....

3. We moved and my dog, Jezzy,  is A MESS!  She follows me everywhere and thinks that we are going to leave her at this new house and go home.  It probably doesn't help that boxes are everywhere and pictures (that should be on the wall) are propped against the wall ALL OVER THE HOUSE!! Ha...

4. My cousin got married this weekend and we had lots of fun!!! I have to post a few (extra) pictures because my family is NEVER dressed up. And... I'm really bad about taking pictures!  Blogging has made me a tad better!! But... I have just never been one for taking a lot of pictures!
My little family...
 I love this picture of my mom and dad with the girls!  They are so goofy with my parents!

This is my sister!  My girls love their aunt Julie!!!
 Gettin' our dance on...
 This is a picture of all of the cousins!! My little brother is the one on the top right.
And... the big picture with the cousins and their families.

5. We learned all about ants at school this week! It was so much fun but I DID NOT take a lot of pictures!  We compared fiction and nonfiction, made ant life cycles, created an ant colony, and tons more.  My kiddos always love going on an ant hunt!!!  I got all of my ant activities from HERE.

Have a great week!!!!

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